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Does E sports have any secrets left nowadays? According to Joshua Forbs, founder of e_sportleague and guest writer for SD-Gaming, YES there is. Joshua:

To me E sports is a process of invention and discovery. It is a way of expression and individualism. The E sports environment is constantly evolving and is a place where rules are meant to be broken and where boundaries are destroyed. It has given me a vision of who I really am and what I'm supposed to do in this world. It has provided a way for me to test what I am really capable of achieving. It forced me to develop new skills and abilities. The sky is the limit in E sports if you have the right mindset and you are willing to reach out for help.

E sports gets people to challenge themselves and what they are capable of achieving. So it is a process of self-discovery as much as it is about finding out about games and the competitive communities behind them. You have to learn hard life skills if you want to make it to the top, like you need to know how to get along with people and work as a team. People who play E sports have something to prove. They play because they want to win.

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E sports is constantly evolving and taking on new dimensions. It is also breaking into popular culture. Right now most people just watch E sports, but in the future people will come up with convenient ways for people to get involved and it will seem like a whole new industry. The reason why E sports is somewhat underdeveloped is because there just aren't yet the right platforms for people to get evolved and it is easier to watch than it is to play. When there are more advanced game portals and tournament systems more people will be able to see the benefit of playing and decide to give it a go.

At the moment the problem isn't the games it is the platforms on which people play those games as E sports. There are also no big player to player tournament sites. If the industry is going to really take off developers and E sports managers need to start taking a more individualistic approach, one that benefits the players rather than the game developers. Companies that lead in E sports are the same companies that make E sports tittles. So there is a conflict of interest in whether or not to make the best platform for individuals or to use standardized methods like team play which focuses more on game promotion than serving the individuals best interest. When it comes to return on investment there isn't any good ways to invest as a player, which leaves most players, even the really good ones, left out.

The reason why it is so hard to become a professional gamer is because there aren't any good E sports sites. In the future E sports sites will make it possible to play E sports on your tablet, for real money at any time. Right now there just isn't enough room at the top for everybody who deserves to be there. There hasn't been a company that has been able to combine their game with E sports effectively enough so that everyone has a chance at playing for real money. Companies that focus on E sports have put too much effort into broadcasting and promotion than player reward so we are left with a situation with millions simply starring on whilst a few are able to jump through the hoops and be selected to play at the top.

There is no room for anyone at the top without a strict set of skills and feats. You need to be a good net-worker and you need to be able to get along with people. The industry needs to become more accessible for people to play the big tittles just on their own without needing additional skills. This can only come from advances with tech and how games are played as E sports. E sports is only in its infancy and will become much more inclusive and dynamic. This will allow players to play whenever they want and not by others schedule or rules. Players need to be properly provided with the right tool set to be able to compete at any level at any time so long as there are other players who want to play at those levels. Players need more freedom with selection of what type of tournament they are playing and for what they are playing for. Individual games need tailoring for E sports so as to serve the individual.

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To me E sports means an opportunity to prove to myself I am capable of achieving great things. I want to use E sports to help improve the life of others by providing truly amazing gaming platforms and tournaments. Systems that empower users and give them a chance to prove themselves based on skill alone.

Thanks for reading my article, Soon we will be upgrading e-sportsleague.com with all new features, follow us @e_sportsleague for updates!



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