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Aurangzeb Durrani lives in Pakistan and is one of the most diverse people we know. He describes himself as an ex-Professional Gamer / Game Journalist / Game Caster / Amateur Writer / Social Media Enthusiast and says: "Gaming is in my Genes". Aurangzeb gives his view on the answers at the above question.

My name is Michel Sabbagh and I'm a game designer from Montreal, Quebec. I’m currently studying at Worcester Polytechnic Institute and I will be graduating with a Bachelor of Science in Interactive Media & Game Development in 2017.

Joshua ForbesOnce again our Australian guest writer Joshua Forbes wrote an article exclusive for all fans from SD-Gaming. Joshua Forbes is an entrepreneur based in Sydney, Australia. He is also the founder and CEO of e-sportsleague Pty Ltd. Joshua has had extensive experience as gamer, as well as a businessmen, having founded many successful gaming teams and syndicates.

My name is Michel Sabbagh and I'm a game designer from Montreal, Quebec. I’m currently studying at Worcester Polytechnic Institute and I will be graduating with a Bachelor of Science in Interactive Media & Game Development in 2017. I enjoy playing, designing, and blogging about video games (especially first-person shooters), crafting game design documents, writing game design/development articles and discussing video games with my peers and instructors.

Gamers DO care - NepalEach and everyone of you have helped us with our Nepal project, whether it be through financial donation, helping with transport, or a kind word, it’s too much to list here. We wish to kindly thank you for the support, and also on behalf of the people we will be able to help, thanks to all of you!

Venita Pereira is a Senior Game Designer for Full Fat with over 8 years’ experience in the games industry, and the author of Learning Unity 2D Game Development by Example. She has worked for several AAA developers and on a vast range of genres and platforms.

Michael BrownMichael 'Cosmic Engine' Brown is a grumpy British Gamer, YouTuber and content creator. Michael has written a very interesting article for all our fans to read. But first let us introduce Michael to y'all: Hi I'm Cosmic, a video game critic devoted to informative, fair and entertaining critique for the benefit of the consumer.


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